Thomas A'Becket Infant School

Learning in Year 1
At Thomas A’ Becket Infant School we aim to offer an inclusive and accessible creative curriculum for all of our children (regardless of race, disability, gender and social background). Within our curriculum planning we personalise learning to meet the needs of the children’s individual needs and stage of development, wherever possible.
The National Curriculum is followed by all children in Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2). This provides a broad and balanced curriculum in terms of subject teaching. We also endeavour to ensure the children learn about the important aspects of living positive social, emotional and healthy lifestyles. Some aspects of the curriculum are taught discreetly such as P.E and R.E, however, we make every effort to plan learning that is relevant and motivating for the children by linking them to the topics.
Below you will find the information about the children's learning in Year 1.