Thomas A'Becket Infant School

Our School Ethos and Aims
At Thomas A'Becket Infant School we encourage the children to
'REACH for the Stars'
R – Respect, E – Effort, A – Attitude,
C – Collaboration, H – Honesty
In order to support this we aim to:
Provide a happy and secure environment that is both stimulating and responsive to the needs of each child.
Encourage each child's natural sense of curiosity, enquiry and purpose and to develop the ability to produce high quality pieces of work, both independently and collaboratively.
Provide a structured progression of skills, concepts and experience within each curriculum area that is appropriate to each child’s stage of development.
Encourage each child to become enthusiastic, confident and independent life-long learners
Encourage the development of a caring and considerate attitude so that each child understands and appreciates the needs and feelings of others.
Establish an effective partnership between home and school that actively encourages parents to be involved in their child's learning.
Liaise with partners within the locality and wider community to promote positive continuity, progression and good communication for the mutual benefit of all. This also supports our children in becoming valuable citizens in the future.
Create an ethos in which all staff members feel valued as successful team members whose skills and talents are used effectively and celebrated.
Provide for and encourage the professional development of our staff.
All staff at Thomas A'Becket Infant School work together to develop a rich learning environment that enables the children to thrive whilst being ‘Safe’ and ‘Kind'.

We have an active School Council called the TASC Force (Thomas A'Becket School Council).
We have an on-site Forest School, Nurture Farm and Conservation Area, accessed by all children, and described by OFSTED as 'exceptional'
We have a popular Breakfast/After School club on site.
Parental involvement - FABs, volunteer helpers in class and on trips.
We provide extra support for parents and children; 'Rainbow' Nurture Group, ELSA's (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant), Learning Mentor, 'Parent/Carer Workshops/Breakfast meetings'.
We have a wide range of after school clubs, including Gymnastics, Dance, Choir, Drama, Football, Art and Bee Fit.
The School Day:
We operate a one-way system for drop-off in the morning, to reduce congestion in and around the school site.
Gates open: 8.35/8:40am
Drop Off Times: 8.40—8.50am
Pick Up Time: 2.50pm
School weekly hours 30 hours and 50 mins
For information on our Curriculum, visit the Year Group pages which will give you an overview of each Year Group's Theme for the term.