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What is OFSTED?


OFSTED is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people, and services providing education and skills for learners of all ages.

Every week they carry out hundreds of inspections and regulatory visits throughout England and the results of these are published online. They help providers that are not yet of good standard to improve, monitor their progress and share best practice we find.


Our goal is to achieve excellence in education and skills for learners of all ages, and in the care of children and young people.

OFSTED report directly to Parliament. They are independent and impartial.


Our most recent OFSTED inspection rating was ‘Good’ (December 2024). The report describes our school as:

Thomas A'Becket Infant School is a happy and successful place with a strong sense of community. Parents say their children "thrive" and are "nurtured" here. Despite its size, the school feels tight-knit, with pupils known well and playing happily together.

Children from Reception upwards are confident and independent, thanks to caring staff. Pupils, including those with SEND, achieve well and enjoy learning through well-planned activities. Relationships are strong, and pupils trust staff to listen and care for them.

The school values of respect, effort, attitude, collaboration, and honesty (REACH) are well-known and important to pupils. The curriculum is highly effective, building from early years onwards, with a strong focus on reading. The recently redeveloped library and tailored phonics program support confident reading skills.

Staff have strong subject knowledge and correct misunderstandings effectively. Pupils with SEND receive excellent support, and all pupils conduct themselves well, treating each other with kindness. The wider development of pupils is strong, with roles like the eco-council and activities such as caring for animals at the school's nurture farm.

Leaders ensure new ideas are implemented effectively, considering staff workload, and governors support staff and ensure the best interests of pupils. Overall, it's a nurturing and effective environment where children thrive.

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