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Pembelajaran di Luar Ruangan

Di Sekolah Bayi Thomas A' Becket kami percaya semua anak harus memiliki akses ke alam terbuka secara teratur, untuk bermain dan belajar dengan bahan-bahan alami dan mengalami perubahan musim yang mempengaruhi ruang hijau dan lingkungan kita.

Kami percaya bahwa anak-anak perlu terhubung dan memiliki akses ke alam; untuk mengenali tempat mereka di dalam alam dan tumbuh menikmatinya, ingin merawatnya dan menghormatinya.

Lingkungan belajar luar ruangan di Sekolah Bayi Thomas A' Becket menghidupkan pembelajaran dan meningkatkan kemampuan anak Anda untuk bekerja sama sambil menawarkan kesempatan untuk mengambil risiko, membuat pilihan, dan memulai pembelajaran.  Ini bertujuan untuk mendorong motivasi, cinta belajar dan kerja tim.  Ini mengembangkan harga diri dan kepercayaan diri melalui pengalaman belajar langsung.

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Six Principles of Forest School


At Thomas A Becket we base our Forest School experiences for our children on the six principles of Forest School:

1. Developing a relationship between learners and the natural world that features mutuality and compassion.

2. Facilitating a programme of regular contact with the natural world that make deeper, caring nature connections.

3. Working in a learner-centred way whereby an ‘equal’ learning community is developed where there is a combination of autonomous and communal learning, featuring joint decision making regarding the learning. Forest School follows a constructivist approach whereby the learning, in and of, the real natural world and the learners themselves emerges.

4. Risk taking in a safe context is encouraged, enabling learners to move into their learning zones where they can manage their own risks, be they emotional, physical, cognitive or social risks.

5. Developing the whole person, supporting cognitive processes and fostering creative, resilient, physically healthy independent learners.

6. Practitioners who are qualified and continually reflect on, question and develop, their own learning and Forest School facilitation.

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